Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rob Berry says it's foolish to stand by and watch water being wasted

click here to watch video
Rob Berry has indentified a resource being wasted that is our storm water. I plan to Capture and divert it into Cooby Dam from there blend it for use by residents.
Secondly pump this water into our underground aquifier for filtering and storing and to draw from this supply when we have peak demands and drought conditions in other words a water bank.
Plus we will be adding more water into the aquifier than we take out ensuring we don't deplete our underground supply.
And guess what we can redraw this water on demand the same water we put in but it even comes out cleaner. How can we draw this same water back again because it is less denser than the water it is placed on therefore it remains on top of the existing underground water supplymaking it easy to extract.
More details to follow later. click here to watch video